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TOTAL PARTY KILL - (What’s For Breakfast? Records)

Mixed by Sanford Parker (YOB / VOIVOD / EYEHATEGOD)


"A righteous, sex-fueled party is crammed into the grooves of the debut LP from Chicago’s LOLLYGAGGER. Serious QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE vibes, especially on the opener, but this act is fronted by a snot-nosed punk who hates boss, hates system, hates cops, loves screaming, loves exposing hypocrisy. Total punk attitude, total stoner metal groove. 

-Robert Collins, MAXIMUM ROCK'N'ROLL



"It’s no secret that I’ve long disdained metal—the endless guitar solo pyrotechnics and high-pitched howling about satanic hobbits ‘n’ shit was just never really my bag. This, however, I can definitely fuck with. Tons of riffage and mid-speed tempos, yes, but there’s a lot of “punk” built into the band’s DNA, both in style and substance. The six-string wanking is kept to a bare minimum, the lyrical content is smart, topical, and biting, the performances are on point, the delivery is charged as hell, and there’s just enough “weird” to it all to keep any potential meathead proclivities at bay.

–Jimmy Alvarado, RAZORCAKE


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